Rejecting The Left: The Importance Of Common Goals

Home » Philosophy » February 5th, 2019 | Rejecting The Left: The Importance Of Common Goals
Rejecting The Left: The Importance Of Common Goals

I'm on the side of conservatives AND liberals -- not the left. No shared goals. Why? 

  • Conservatives and liberals agree that people are people and that we all, at an individual level cause harm. It's at that individual level we should be managed -- hence the judicial side of the government.
  • The left believes just specific groups are responsible for social harm, based on the ideas they share, and thus they all should be identified and controlled for the good of the country.

Some white men are toxic? Blame all white males. Some churches bash specific design violations and bully those who participate in them? Blame all churches. Some people get guns and do violent things? Blame the guns. Do some people react to those who experience different emotional and psychological perceptions of sexual attraction? Label them all homophobic and bigots.

Can you see a pattern? The left refuses to graduate beyond basic group-thinking that is foundational to our growth as children. Their thinking is immature and illiterate, and their goals are the same. Men are bad? Promote women! Whites are bad? Promote minorities? 

  1. Why? Emotions. Not practical solutions. Just emotions.
  2. Why? Gult. They believe If you can create enough guilt, you can change the predispositions of a culture. What are we seeing? Reaction.
  3. Why? Logic wins the day. Continuous guilt triggers a fight or flight mentality, and for the longest time, it's been flight.... but now — it's Trump. MAGA.

Upset at Trump? You should be furious at the beliefs held by the left.

That's where he came from, and he's just the beginning. The more guilt and emotions are thrown at human beings, telling them their existence is a part of the problem, the more people will intentionally stand against seemingly good ideas and join a rebellion against them.

Want to affect change? Stand up for real education that uses rationality and logic and rejects intersectionality and identity-based ideologies. Teach and lead. Don't call them names... call them out of their ignorance and help them see the damage they are apart of.

Be the change. Let's bring it back to being just flavors of conservative vs. liberal.

— Micah
