Artistic Expression In New York City

Home » Micah's Blog » July 26th, 2019 | Artistic Expression In New York City
Artistic Expression In New York City

I recently took a trip to New York City. First time there!

I really don't want to go back.

Why? It showed me all the negatives of humanity... in one fell swoop. No, I'm not talking about the smelly streets and the homeless lying on cardboard boxes after 11pm at night. No, I'm talking about the massive focus on gain, self-preservation, and isolationism. I spent two nights out until 3am in a few bars and met some really cool people... and all of them loved the chaos and the raw expression of humanity.

To me, these expressions are nothing more than a glorification of humanism.

I took several late night walks before hitting up the bars to meet people, and it was just amazing... and saddening. A city gloriously lauded for it's culture and diversity, but it was devoid of people thriving and truly living — they were just surviving. I took a ride on a bike-cart and the operator told me she was ready to move forward and get out. The hype kept her going, but she felt empty.

Her words touched my heart, and I prayed for her.

Artistic Expression: The conscious use of the imagination in the production of objects intended to be contemplated or appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of forms, sounds, or words.

New York City is an expression of it's people, and at their core is confusion, pain, failed dreams, and broken familes.

It might not be obvious, but I'm not going to be booking my return trip anytime soon. Maybe when my girls need to see the 9/11 Memorial and the Freedom Tower and Statue of Liberty. That'll be it.

— Micah
